Auditory Integration Training, AIT, Berard AIT, Auditory, Auditory Integration

 AIT Helps Improve the Lives and Learning of Those with Autism, ADHD, Hyperacute Hearing, Speech Delays & 10 Days.

The AIT Institute is the #1 Provider off AIT At Home Services globally and is the largest AIT resource website in the world.


AIT is the #1 clinically studied auditory based educational intervention!  All sessions are conveniently completed at home under the supervision of an AIT Practitioner. AIT services are available in the USA, Canada and other English speaking countries.

AIT requires 10 hours of sound therapy, with 20 sessions of 30 minutes each, done 2 times daily over 10 consecutive days.  This listening therapy helps to correct hyperacute hearing,  tinnitus and other auditory challenges.

AIT has been used successfully with children and adults with many different diagnoses for over 60 years.  

Remarkable results are achieved for many families. There are more than 60+ years of clinical research and 28+ scientific studies on AIT.

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Testimonials By Type of Improvement After AIT

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What Kids Say About AIT

"You helped my ears feel better!"
"The whispering noises I don't like are all gone."
"I can hear my teacher better. I know what she's saying now and I can read better."
"School is more fun...I am making new friends who like me."

Type of Improvements with AIT in Alphabetical Order

  1. Awareness and Understanding Improves

  2. Behavior, Dyslexia, Increased Concentration and Learning Abilities Improve

  3. Calmer and Improvements in Behavior

  4. Confidence, Social Interaction and Learning Abilities Improve

  5. Concentration Improves

  6. Depression

  7. Dyslexia and School Performance Improvements

  8. Dyslexia Improves

  9. Hypersensitivity Reduced and Calmer

  10. Improved Social Interaction and Confidence

  11. Learning Abilities Improve

  12. My Son's Success Story with AIT, Louisiana, USA 2018.

  13. Reduction in Sound Sensitivity and Improved Behavior aftter Berard AIT

  14. School Performance Improves

  15. Social Interaction and Reading Improves

  16. Speech and Social interaction Improve

  17. Speech and Understanding Improve

  18. Speech, Better Behavior and Understanding of Danger Improves

  19. Speech Improves and Reduction in Auditory Distortion and Sound Sensitivity

  20. Vocabulary and Understanding Improves

  21. Boy Age 7 Did AIT, Now Successful Adult, South Africa

  22. Hyperacute Hearing Improves, 2009

  23. ADHD, Bipolar, Sensory Problems Improve, 2009

  24. Improved Organization skills in a Child, 2009

  25. Boy Age 8 with Sensory Processing Disorder

  26. Calmer 5th Grade Boy after AIT

  27. Autism and Feeding Issues Improved, child age 4, India, 2008

  28. Boy with Hyperacute hearing and communication issues, New Mexico.

  29. Boy with a Former Autism Diagnosis who did AIT, Now In College, Canada

  30. Autism, Speech delay, Hyperacute Hearing, Balance Issues, Poor Social Skills

  31. Boy 7 Who did AIT, now age 23, South Africa

  32. Boy With Autism, age 4, Improves with AT

  33. Child with Speech and Language Issues Improves, Ireland

  34. Communication Issues Improved After AIT

  35. Speech and Communication Improvements after AIT

  36. Language, Concentration, Balance and Rhythm Improvements After AIT

  37. Young Adult Age 23 with High function Autism and AIT

  38. AIT Practitioner About Her Client with Tinnitus After Doing AIT

  39. Mother About Her Boy With Autism After 10 Days Amazed By Therapist, Romania


What Parents Are Saying About Their Children Who Completed AIT

Daniel: "BIGGEST POSITIVE CHANGE: Becoming a lot more social!"

Gavin: "He initiates conversations much more."

Kai: AIT Stunning Success for ADHD: Boy age 12 in Seattle diagnosed with ADHD who struggled with distractibility, hyperactivity, poor grades, and teachers who wanted him put on ADHD meds. Read this success story from his mother, just two months after finishing AIT.

"We are so EXCITED about what we’re seeing in him! He just sits down and does his homework when he gets home! For writing he still needs some support, but he’s MUCH BETTER, and for math he just sits and does it, no problem! He got 100% on all of his homework assignments except three this quarter, and almost 100% on all his tests!!! With no help from me, except on rare occasions! I think his overall grades this quarter are 2 A's and 3 B's, and two of those B's would have been As with just a tiny bit more effort! He doesn’t melt down, he is focusing much better in class, things are better at home . . . so much wonderful progress!"

Steven: AIT Helps With Learning Challenges and Handwriting: A mother of boy in Illinois who finished AIT in our supervised Home Services Program, over 10 days, 20 sessions in September reports:

"My son, age 10, was lacking confidence in school work.  He needed help with each lesson of each subject.  If he did understand it, he still wanted me to sit with him and watch, asking if each answer was correct.  His handwriting was almost illegible.

He now does his work independently and asks only if he doesn't understand a new concept.  His handwriting has improved and even his drawings are much better. 

He has gained educational benefits and self-confidence from AIT without a doubt!"

Alex: "My son with autism, at 25 years of age, had plateaued as far as his cognitive abilities.  He was having difficulty following directions, expressing his feelings, interacting in social situations, and dealing with his anger.  Since AIT he has been able to carry out his tasks, tell us about things that are bothering him, greet people looking them in the eye, and his anger has started to subside.  I feel he will continue to see benefits of this therapy expand his horizons throughout his life."

Laurel: 17 old female  homeschooler:

"I underwent treatment from AIT Institute this year  because of slight comprehending and/or hearing impediment, and what I mean by that would be that I would often ask people to repeat themselves, but not always because I didn't hear them. Oftentimes I would hear them, but it would take the time for them to repeat themselves for me to understand what they meant. (My nickname as a kid, among my siblings was "hearing aids" because I was constantly saying "What?" to whatever they said.)  I had a tendency to "zone out" or daydream, and it would get in the way of everything: school, work, and occasionally, conversations.

I was also very easily distracted, and being a homeschooler with younger siblings that enjoy being noisy, some of the time while I am trying to focus on school, I was miserable trying to get anything done, and had a tendency to be irritable. Now, having undergone treatment from AIT Institute, I feel that I am more able to comprehend what people say without having to ask them to repeat themselves, I feel less distracted, and less irritable.

So to those at AIT Institute, I would like to say "Thank You!" and to those who are considering AIT reatment for themselves or their children, I would strongly encourage you not to hesitate! 

Victoria: "AIT is a wonderful opportunity to help yourself or a loved one! A wonderful aspect of it is that you can do it in the comfort of your own home and the music that you listen to is interesting but enjoyable. The time passes quickly during your sessions. AIT can help you in so many ways and is easy and painless to do.

I am a female and 20 years old. It helped my attention skills.  I feel it helped me to comprehend more in my environment, learning, and reading.  Thank you so much for this valuable resource."

Mason: "BIGGEST POSITIVE CHANGE: Far better attention span; ability to better process information within a conversation; asking questions rather than pretending understanding; more involved in social activities; improved self confidence. Thankfully, she is showing improvement and actually has a job at our local grocery store now!

Type of Improvements with AIT Reported By Parents

  1. Awareness and Understanding Improves

    "I am writing to let you know that Christopher is so much more aware since he has been for treatment. He understands what we say to him a lot more now and will follow simple instructions. At playgroup he has started to say a few words and will sit still with the other children at story-time. Also he is sleeping better at night. Thank you so much for all your help, I would definitely recommend you to other parents in the same situation as ourselves."

  2. Behavior, Dyslexia, Increased Concentration and Learning Abilities Improve

    "Our 8 year old daughter was being treated for dyslexia and our two sons, aged 5 and 6, were to follow the program for autistic tendencies. “In for a penny, in for a pound,” we thought and, although we were nervous and had no idea of what to expect, we were full of hope.

    Within the first week we began to notice small improvements in our son’s behavior and now 12 weeks later, we are gradually getting school reports of a positive nature that a year ago we would not have believed possible. Increased concentration, improved verbal communication, better adaptability to change and a general “ settling down” to following instructions are highlighted daily.

    Our daughter had been receiving specialist dyslexia tuition for the past year and both her class teacher and the dyslexia teacher have been so enthusiastic about her progress since the therapy sessions that the tutor has written to the Dyslexia Institute about her “phenomenal “ improvement.

    It is difficult to put our feelings into words. We are convinced that the treatment offered at the Centre has given our children and thus our family a new lease of life. Their professional and caring support were invaluable during what could have been a traumatic experience and we will continue to stay in touch to promote what we believe to be a truly remarkable service.

    The above are authentic extracts from letters received from parents of children who were treated with Auditory Integration Training at the National Light and Sound Therapy Centre in the United Kingdom. All are reprinted by permission."

  3. Calmer and Improvements in Behavior

    "Everyone up here is amazed at the change in Callum, he is so calm now and more aware of what is going on around him. No more aggressive behavior. He has been at school now full time since May and enjoying every minute. He took part in the school concert last week and was very good. It is like having a different child. There are no words to express the gratitude we feel for the help you have given Callum."

  4. Concentration Improves

    "This was Thomas’s second course of treatment and we weren’t sure how much he would benefit from it. We are delighted to say that he has improved significantly in so many areas. This has been noticed not just by us but the school have also noticed a remarkable change in his concentration span and co-operation/tolerance level."

  5. Confidence, Social Interaction and Learning Abilities Improve

    "Just a few words to say thank you for all your kindness, warmth and understanding over the past two weeks. I must confess we felt very apprehensive when first meeting you simply because we have never experienced such genuine and positive attitudes before, hence any doubt we may have had soon diminished.

    Since the Auditory Integration Training Chloe has become more confident and communicative. Chloe appears to be more receptive towards trying out various activities. When Chloe’s class went out to play on some new apparatus, Chloe immediately bustled through the other children towards the apparatus and began to play (normally she would have been expected to watch the children hesitantly before having to be encouraged to join in.)

    For Chloe I feel you have given her the KEY to unlock the door. I realize there are many parents looking for a miracle cure, and I wouldn’t want anyone to undergo the treatment EXPECTING the vast improvements we have experienced. Again I would say that any improvement is a bonus."

  6. Depression

    From an AIT Practitioner in the USA
    "I worked with a fourteen year old girl, who had been diagnosed with depression. Her behavior at times could be bad enough for her parents to call the police. She seemed perfect when with me. I had warned her parents that negative behavior might occur. It did!! About two weeks after we completed the protocol. Police were called and a trip to her psychiatrist. The doctor was thorough and told the parents that their daughter was NO LONGER depressed. He would NOT prescribe drugs, but she was oppositional defiant...and a behavior program was planned. They were thrilled!

    Her behavior had been learned because the family had been 'walking on eggs' for four years while dealing with her depression....they had created another problem...but it was fixable. They no longer worried that the daughter would commit suicide and become a statistic. I have not heard from them for a while but the last message was positive!"

  7. Dyslexia and School Improvements

    "He is now in 6th grade in middle school. Aside from some teasing at the very beginning of the school year, 6th grade has been a huge success…He has been getting off the bus smiling. His grades are wonderful, nearly all A's.

    He has not left a single class this year out of frustration or panic. Since 3rd grade, he had consistently left math class out of panic over new material. His has really come a long way. We are so proud of his hard work.

    He got off of training wheels for good after Berard AIT. He went from needing us to get him started, and then he would pedal, and need us to actually stop him and help him off the bike all the way to complete independence on the bike…Yes, he still has more to work on, but right now, life is so good for him."

    Sample of Handwriting Improved After AIT


  8. Dyslexia Improves

    "It is just over two weeks since Georgina finished her treatment with you. As you know we had our miracle, reading went from 3 pages to 20, at her tutor’s – just the day before the last treatment. The day after treatment finished, Georgina had an informal assessment from the Educational Psychologist. Digit span score had tripled and other test results had jumped right up.

    Georgina is now finding school work easier. She says she can hear and see more – but she became a believer after just a few sessions, she could feel a change very quickly. She can learn spellings with no problems now and reading is really coming along – the struggle is over."

  9. Hypersensitivity Reduced and Calmer

    "Before Colin had therapy he was very restless and wouldn't settle down to do anything. He didn't want anyone to annoy him or play with him.

    Also he got very distressed at some sounds. Since receiving his therapy, he has calmed down a lot and will play for a short time with his toys. Sometimes he will go to one of his sisters and try to make them play with him. I know the therapy has not cured Colin but it has made a big difference and we would like to come back again for another course of therapy."

  10. Improved Social Interaction and Confidence

    "Although Ayman has not shown a major change in his state, there are so many positive improvements in his general behavior. He is not speaking yet but is much more aware of what is going on around him. This was observed first by friends of the family. He listens to what you have to say to him looking at you with direct eye contact, he smiles back and shakes hands in greetings. We had reports from the teacher that he is more friendly towards other children in class. He has given up some irritating habits too e.g. tearing up papers into very small pieces."

  11. Learning Abilities Improve

    "I just thought I would write and let you know how Alex is getting on again. We have seen so much progress of late it is difficult to know where to start. His teacher is so pleased with how hard he is working at the unit and we are delighted to see such an improvement. He is such a wonderful boy,who brings so much joy and fun to our lives. We are just thrilled that he is making such an improvement."

  12. My Son's Success Story - Louisiana, USA 2018

    My son is a nonverbal autistic 5 year old boy who previously disliked all foods except for 3 white foods which included fries, pancakes, and waffles. He also has sensory processing disorder and demonstrated behaviors such as stemming and hand flapping.

    Since AIT (2 months ago) Kiptyn can now focus in class and follow directions the first time given. His receptive language has improved 100%! I can only thank AIT for this change. His grades are now improving and he is leaving his therapist and teachers asking "what did you do to make this huge change?" Kiptyn no longer fights them for transitions and he is adapting very well to the daily changes he faces for example, substitute teachers, changes in routines, etc.) He also rarely stems or flaps his hands anymore.

    The thing that I am most pleased about after completing AIT is that Kiptyn is now eating a variety of foods. He is trying new things daily. This only leads me to believe that his verbal language will follow very soon!

    I am so grateful to the AIT Institute for making this opportunity available for us to use in our homes. I am excited to see what changes Kiptyn will have within the next 6 months. Stay tuned ... there's more to come!


  13. Reduction in Sound Sensitivity and Improved Behavior aftter Berard AIT

    "Derek has been making good progress since we were last down. He is relaxed an happy, more outgoing and able to enjoy events and things going on around him. He used to have to avoid the vacuum cleaner but he has been using it himself and wanting to. If his Dad falls asleep on the sofa and snores, Derek goes out of the room and closes the door. There’s none of the terrible distress he used to have over noise."

  14. School Performance Improves

    "I just thought I would write and let you know how Alex is getting on again.

    We have seen so much progress of late it is difficult to know where to start! His teacher is so pleased with how hard he is working at the unit and we are delighted to see such an improvement.

    He is such a wonderful boy, who brings so much joy and fun to our lives. We are just thrilled that he is making such an improvement.

  15. Social Interaction and Reading Improves

    "Jack is doing so well!. We always used to say Jack was in a world of his own. Now he is in our world.

    There have been tremendous changes in him, too many to list, but some of the main one’s are:

    • Completely potty trained

    • Much more able to respond to verbal instructions

    • Has made many friends at school

    • Is able to tell us what he has done at school and what he had for dinner

    • Does not resist change in his routine and enjoys new experiences

    • Is much more interactive with his sister

    We have been using your method of words on flash cards with him with great success. In one afternoon he memorized 102 words and was able to spell them all back to us without looking at the cards.

    His teachers call him their “Shining Star.” We cannot express our thanks enough for all the care and dedication you have shown to him. There is no doubt in our minds that his course of Auditory Integration Training has been a tremendous success."

  16. Speech and Social interaction Improve

    "I am convinced that Auditory Integration Training has worked for Alysia. After it she definitely seemed to become more aware of herself and more confident. She also started to take more interest in everything around her, ranging from toys, animals, books adults and other children. In the last couple of months she has adapted from just playing alongside the other children to interacting not just through play but verbally as well. She has also started calling people that she comes into contact with regularly by their names and not always but about 60% of the time voluntarily saying “Hello nanny” “Goodby Toni” etc. Her articulation is improving daily. We ask her what things are and can expect to get a reply. I think that one of the most noticeable differences in Alysia is that she wants to be around people more. She now demands our attention and says, “Mummy come here” or “Daddy come on” and hold out her hand for one of us to join her."

  17. Speech and Understanding Improve

    "It is now 7 weeks since we completed Alysia’s treatment and as you know those 2 weeks were very difficult for both of us, especially the second week when at one point I actually thought about calling it a day. I’m glad that I didn’t follow that thought through as though you made no promises of improvement, Alysia did start to change while she was having treatment and has not stopped since. Since coming for treatment Alysia is adding new words on a daily basis and so far those words and words she knew before are used frequently and seem to be permanently there for whenever they are needed.

    Her sleeping has improved and the norm is 10 hours a night in her own bed instead of being awake for most nights for 1 to 3 hours. Her concentration and her attention span has also improved along with her general understanding and wanting to understand what is said. Also her eye contact is improving daily.

    Alysia isn’t cured or recovered and we still have a long way to go but I can see the little girl I had before the age of 15 months more and more each day. It’s like watching a little bud bloom into a beautiful flower."

  18. Speech, Better Behavior and Understanding of Danger Improves

    "The changes seen in Daniel have been very good. I have noticed that his speech is clearer and his vocabulary is now vast. His teacher has noticed his speech has improved and she said she tried to think she was imagining it but could not do this. He seems calmer and has developed the art of listening and can now be reasoned with, things can be explained to him and so tantrums can be avoided.

    He has now a sense of danger and will no longer tease a dog for example to try to get it to bite him. Also today I took him and his sisters to a river to fee the ducks. Normally he would wade straight into the water if not physically stopped, but I was able to stand at a distance whilst he ran around playing and feeding the ducks. It made a usually fraught and traumatic outing into a real pleasure.

    All in all everyone seems to have noticed a difference in him, improvements all round. I will definitely bring him for a second course of treatment when possible and I would recommend the treatment to anyone. You don’t know what will happen unless you try and any improvement has got to be worth any effort and expense."

  19. Speech Improves and Reduction in Auditory Distortion and Sound Sensitivity

    "Alex has had the same support teacher for the last five years, so she knows him well. I would like you to know that the teachers have made the following comments:

    “Alex has shown a change in his work in the class. From a somewhat passive worker he has become actively involved in the class. His speech has improved. He communicates more. He now has a very good relationship with the class. He responds to class discipline.”

    Most of all he is becoming more independent and happy with himself as a person. Looking back I am convinced that Light and Sound therapy has somehow acted as a catalyst to Alex, enabling these changes to occur. Also the sound sensitivity is definitely better than before.

    For Chloe I feel you have given her the KEY to unlock the door. I realize there are many parents looking for a miracle cure, and I wouldn’t want anyone to undergo the treatment EXPECTING the vast improvements we have experienced. Again I would say that any improvement is a bonus.

  20. Vocabulary and Understanding Improves

    "I thought I would let you know how Alex is progressing. In the two weeks since our visit he has gained 40 new words which is wonderful. We have had such a variety of words from ‘plug’ to ‘Yorkshire.’ I am really delighted with his progress. He certainly seems happier since his treatment and he now plays with his brother rather than alongside him and he seems to have a better understanding of what is expected of him.

    I was so apprehensive about my stay with Alex in London. I really dreaded the two weeks in a hotel in a strange city, far removed from our sleepy rural town here in Yorkshire. However thanks to you all, the time went so quickly, and your support and sound advice was a great comfort."

  21. From AIT Parent, South Africa

    "My son, Iain Marais was a patient of Rosalie's at the age of 7. He's now 23 and a wonderful young man. He matriculated, completed college, he drives, he is employed in the IT business and has exceeded ALL predictions! We will always be grateful to Rosalie for her assistance. She was the one person that gave us hope... and we wondered what had happened to her. May you always be blessed, Rosalie." 

  22. From the Mother of a Boy who received AIT in Fall 2009

    "Not subtle - dramatic!  He is more socially interactive with family and others. Less in his "own world". More happy, more content, less aggravated, more calm, more loving-kissing and hugging us on his own without prompting. It is now very infrequent he will have a manic episode - i.e. - "tantrum" - if he does it is more subtle and over in seconds (instead of hours) and he apologizes immediately - "on his own".  He tolerates crowds and noises - up to 80% difference.  We have a new child."

  23. From the mother of a boy who received AIT in Fall 2009.

    "My 11 year old son is ADHD/Bipolar/Sensory problems. After completing AIT a few days ago, we have seen anywhere from 40-80% improvements in his behaviors already.  He is more compliant; more calm; more affectionate; less aggressive; no nightmares; more talkative with us and others, plus less sound sensitivity, etc. I look forward to spending time with my son now and the feeling of "walking on eggshells" has diminished. As time goes on we have been told to expect more and more positive results. I can't imagine it getting any better. Pretty soon he will have the best behavior among our friend's kids instead of the worst!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

  24. From the Mother of a child in India, who received AIT in Summer 2009

    "My son seems to have gotten so organized. It's amazing! I really appreciate the fact that you do not raise our hopes at all with AIT.  Only one with a similar child can know what I mean! Hoping is like taking two steps backwards...but BELIEVING is winning the battle!"

  25. Boy age 8 with Sensory Processing Disorder, From a Mother in Brockton, MA whose son received AIT in Fall 2009.

    "I just finished working with an 8 year old child who had a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder.  He was very verbal, but a lot of issues with his behavior, handling noises situations, easily distracted, aggressive, bossy, controlling, screamed when agitated, cried easily, poor attention, required, repeated instructions and concerns about learning. 

    This is what Mom reports after 2 weeks of AIT therapy:

    • When he looses his temper it is not for long, he recovers much quicker.
    • He hears better.
    • Notices words on signs when driving and reads them.

    • Cares about others more.

    • Less controlling and bossy.

    • Eats better.

    • More accepting of the word NO

    Had one day of out of control anger, all day - recovered much faster

    1. He doesn't get stuck on an issue.

    2. Talks calmer and is less frustrated.

    3. Reasons more, explains himself & thoughts in detail

    4. Laughs more, affectionate more, carefree spirit.

    5. Does task in reasonable time."

  26. Calmer 5th grade boy after AIT, From the mother of a child in New Hampshire, USA who received AIT in Summer 2009. 

    "I want to let you know that Jack is having a great start of 5th grade!!!  I am so excited and pleased with how things are going.  I know the AIT played a big role in how calm he is now."

  27. From the parents of a 4 year old child with autism and feeding issues Visva, in Hyderabad, India, who received AIT in April 2008.

    "From June onwards he has been put to a Montessori School. He has settled very well. Teachers are very nice. A Special Educator comes and instructs them the way to handle this kids. They said Visva is giving very good eye contact.  He obeys simple commands when told in English too. He has good sitting tolerance and doing some activities with eye hand coordination, etc.  He doesn't exhibit any behavioral problems at school.  Though he does not mingle and play with kids on his own, he is around them and watching them.  He allows to touch them, before he wont allow.

    Now he can even started comprehending two step commands.  He developed imitation skills now. His sensory issues are very much reduced. He brushes with little help. He can spit. He can suck now. Language has not improved very much. But he is trying to imitate certain words. Before Visva used to cry and self aggressive hearing the sound or cry of other kids.  But now this doesn't disturb him. I am very hopeful that Visva will  show improvement in all aspects.  He is taking the vitamins regularly."

  28. Boy with Hyperacute Hearing and Communication Issues

    "I want to thank you again, truly, for what you’ve done for my family.   Before Connor and I went through the therapy, I think both of us were at our rope’s end.  I think in retrospect he may have felt like he was as bad a kid as I have felt being a crappy dad.  It’s always been so hard for the two of us to communicate, which breaks my heart.   And no kid should go hide in his room and feel depressed like he has for no reason.

    I am very VERY happy to say that my son and I have a relationship now.  A positive one that doesn’t involve me losing my temper and raising my voice.  Kids are kids, but I look at my son now and I’m impressed and proud and happy to be his dad.  And I’m glad to find that I’m not blowing up and losing my temper over the smallest of things anymore.   Our family feels stronger, happier, more whole than I think we’ve ever been.   

    I jotted down some thoughts in case you have a notebook to put letters in to potential clients.  Feel free to pass out my numbers.

    And Laurie, thank YOU for just being kind and caring enough to help ME get through this.  I owe you so much."

  29. Boy with a Former Autism Diagnosis Who Did AIT Now in College

    "My name is Phyllis Kumi and I contacted the AIT Institute seeking some information for a woman who has a son who is on the Autism Spectrum. I am so happy that you emailed me though, because my brother Michael Kumi was fortunate enough to receive treatments from you some 16 years ago. My family was supposed to have provided you with updates as to how Michael was progressing. I apologize contacting you so very late.

    Well, today Michael is 21 years old and is doing very well. He has experienced many of the milestones that those off of the spectrum experience: school dances, Prom, Co-Coperative placement and highs school graduation. Mike is currently in a law clerk program at Humber College here in Toronto. His speech is very good, he is able to type well (which is good because his writing is weak). He does not have any problems with his hearing as far as we can see.

    All in all things are going well for Mike and we couldn't be more pleased.

    On behalf of my family I would like to thank you immensely for your help. I will pass on your contact information to the woman who requested help for her son.  If you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to send me an email. Thank you!"

  30. Autism, Speech delay, Hyperacute Hearing, Balance and Coordination, Poor Social Skills Improve with AIT

    "I wrote this on the morning I got feedback from the mother of an autistic boy who was on the home based program of AIT, the newly developed AIT system, which is a software version to apply Berard AIT. I was overjoyed and want to share with you....

    Today is one of those amazing days, one of those WOW-days. Little Mikael, an autistic boy of 3 years, said his first 6-word sentence. This happened on the 4th day of AIT.

    But then, this is only one of many WOW - experiences that I see all the time. 

    Children in my Child Development Centre and pre-school who have poor or no social skills, poor or no interaction with peers or teachers, who put their hands on their ears and/or cry the minute some activities get a bit loud; those who  are “hyper active” and can’t concentrate, cannot color in between the lines, are slow to carry out instructions, etc.; these suddenly start blooming, becoming happy little kiddies after or even while they are still in AIT training. Concentration, alertness,  just in general, their abilities improve.

    Here are just a few examples: 

    Tylah* also 3 and a half years old, would come in to school and put her bag in her locker. Then she would stand in front of it: no interaction or socializing with peers nor teachers; always in the outer circle, watching without any expression on her face with no participation. In the first week of AIT, she started talking nonstop. This quiet little girl, who did not take any risks, nor participate in any activities, became a girl who started singing and dancing with the others, climbing the jungle gyms, even trees… and she seemed to realize she has muscles in her face and was having fun making faces!

    Rudolph was 13 when he first encountered AIT (Auditory Integration Training). At that point he could not climb stairs, his mother used to carry him up and down the stairs. He had poor balance and rhythm. Together with AIT, Rudolph had six months of Visual Therapy. Things turned out very differently for him. For example, he held the record for the 100m and 200m at the SA Championship for the Physically Disabled. At present he is an accomplished archer using the compound bow, and regularly competes.

    I could go on and on….“Amazing”!

  31. Boy 7 who did AIT, now age 23

    "My son, Iain Marais was a patient of Rosalie's at the age of 7. He's now 23 and a wonderful young man. He matriculated, completed college, he drives, he is employed in the IT business and has exceeded ALL predictions! We will always be grateful to Rosalie for her assistance. She was the one person that gave us hope... and we wondered what had happened to her. May you always be blessed, Rosalie." 

  32. Boy with Autism, age 4, who did AIT

    "My nine year old son Rhone was diagnosed with ASD at the age of 4. When we heard about the AIT program and how it was especially beneficial to those with autism we decided to give it a try. Rhone had AIT therapy at 7 years of age and at first there seemed to be little change.  But by 6 months later and starting the new school year Rhone was a much different boy.  

    His focus was the greatest achievement in the program and his meltdowns had diminished almost completely. I believe AIT to really helped achieve this. Rhone developed into the higher functioning boy that he is today."

  33. Child with speech and language issues, Ireland, From Ava, Mother of a Child Who Did AIT in Ireland

    "By day 7 of the 10 day programme, I noticed an increase in vocabulary and improved fluency. Since completing the course I find her 'spontaneous conversation' has also improved. Before the AIT (FST) what Ava said was often in response to a question or was one of her many 'rehearsed/learnt off' phrases but many comments are now free flowing and spontaneous. Overall definitely worth doing."

  34. Communication issues improved with AIT, by Ruth, Mother of a Child Who Did AIT in Ireland

    "Thank you so much… it worked a treat. I’ve been telling everyone about our success with the AIT (FST) and will recommend it to others. It’s truly been amazing the results. I’m communicating with Jane in a way I never have before. So thank you!"

  35. Speech and Communication Improvements after AIT, by Philippa, Mother of a Child Who Did AIT in Ireland

    "AIT is going great, he is being a model student - as long as he has something to keep him busy he seems to actually enjoying sitting and playing with my undivided attention - also the kinder chocolate eggs with the little toy inside make all the difference - he gets the toy and I eat the chocolate so we're both happy! I've been doing the second session of the day in the evening after his bath when it's actually a nice little wind down before bed.

    Both my husband and I feel he's using better sentences, a few new words and he's started remembering words of songs and singing with very nice clarity for the first time (his kiddie songs). I also sense he's understanding me a little better, in a way our communication is a tiny bit easier.

    Thanks so much, Rosalie, you've made something possible for us that I didn't think we could ever try, I do feel we've seen enough positive signs that we'd be wanting to give it another go in 9 months."

  36. Story of Aidin, A Child Age 3 Who Did AIT

    "Aidin came to my Centre when he was 3 and a half years old. When he arrived in the morning and saw the group of children around him, he would start walking in circles talking to himself in his own unintelligible language, on and on, or go and lie down in a corner and fall asleep. If left he would sleep the whole day. On the 6th day of AIT, he started to participate in activities such as Monkeynastix, singing, jumping, taking risks, etc. His concentration started to kick in, his speech, balance and rhythm got better.

    At this stage we realized how very intelligent this little boy is, with his amazing vocabulary and general knowledge. He still receives some speech, visual and occupational therapies. We must remember that we need to see the different therapies in a holistic way, each as a part of the puzzle to make up the whole picture."


  37. Story of Jacoba, A Teenager and Her AIT Treatments For AutismTeenager with autism and AIT

    "Jacoba O'Connell-Maritz is 22 years old and autistic. Her communication skills are limited but she is high-functioning. Jacoba’s brother, Joshua rode the Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge with a purpose this year. He will be pulling Jacoba behind him on her custom-built trick Joshua, 23, is a seasoned road cyclist, mountain biker and spinning instructor and this is not the first time he will be riding an unusual bike in this event for a good purpose. Last year he completed the event on a small BMX to raise funds for a sick baby. This year’s ride will be to raise funds for Jacoba to receive Auditory Integration Training which is a treatment for autism proven to be effective.

    "Jacoba received her first session of AIT in 1994,” explains her mother, Lesley. “She benefitted enormously and started talking and communicating with people, albeit in her own limited way.” We feel that she will benefit greatly from more sessions of AIT. Perhaps she may then become a little more self-sufficient if she could "come through" a bit more,” she said."

  38. AIT Practitioner About Her Client with Tinnitus After Doing AIT

    "I did use AIT with 65 yr old female a number of years ago.  She reported a reduction in the tinnitus. She exhibited fewer complaints of tinnitus as reported by her family members."

  39. Mother About Her Boy With Autism After 10 Days, Amazed By His Therapist

    "He is a lot better now. His therapist is really amazed as she did not expect these results. He does not run around chaotically anymore. He can focus during class even though it is loud. The teacher is very impressed also. He is still full time shadowed but we do not need to interfere. just now and then (and when he has to write as he really does not like it... yet).

    He participated in the whole Christmas celebration on state, with dim light in the room, strong lights on the stage, loud music and a lot of people! He managed all that. I am extremely proud of him!"


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