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improvements in suicidal, depressed 13 year old teenager after 10 days of AIT!
"I am thankful we used the therapy and would use it again of faced with the same issue." "My daughter KLM was diagnosed with severe depression in 2011, at approximately age 13. She was suicidal and cutting herself. She has been admitted in the hospital 3 times plus a stay at Timberline Knolls (residential facility in Chicago). While these and many counseling sessions helped, I believe the AIT therapy provided by in 2013 played a major part in her breaking out of that illness and getting her off the drugs that I prayed she would be taken off of. When she started the treatment she was on Prozac and another drug I cant remember the name. Joanne had indicated that sometimes there are behavioral issues after the AIT therapy. When the therapy ended, a short while later she had some bad behavior that landed her back in the hospital, thinking the depression was causing the behavior. Upon evaluation by the doctor during her stay they said she didn't have depression anymore and took her off the drugs and the only thing they prescribed was vitamin D. Since she was still having behavioral issues* we sent her to Timberline for further help. They indicated a personality disorder but no depression and didn't prescribe any medication. While it's hard to tell what actually happens with mental illness, it was my impression that since she had two previous hospital stays that continued to diagnose depression, the third hospital stay was after the AIT, the diagnosis changed. I am thankful we used the therapy and would use it again of faced with the same issue. Katie has been doing well, she had to make a move to Texas in her junior year of high school and I was afraid that could possibly send her in a downward spiral, but thankfully it did not." * oppositional defiance from parent's statement Note from the AIT Practitioner: "Before I work with anyone, I warn parents that often there may be regression of behavior, or a period of anxiety, misbehavior, bed-wetting...and such. Family said that they had been 'walking on eggs' for so long it would not be a problem. The father called me after they had a bit of a 'blow up' one night and had to hospitalize the girl. As he told me what happened, I can tell you I was concerned...until he slowly said THE DOCTOR SAYS SHE IS NOT DEPRESSED ....AND WILL NO LONGER BE NEEDING TO BE ON DRUGS!! He repeated it several times!" |