Auditory Integration Training, AIT, Berard AIT, Auditory, Auditory Integration

 AIT Helps Improve the Lives and Learning of Those with Autism, ADHD, Hyperacute Hearing, Speech Delays & 10 Days.

The AIT Institute is the #1 Provider off AIT At Home Services globally and is the largest AIT resource website in the world.

AIT is the #1 clinically studied auditory based educational intervention!  All sessions are conveniently completed at home under the supervision of an AIT Practitioner. AIT services are available in the USA, Canada and other English speaking countries.

AIT requires 10 hours of sound therapy, with 20 sessions of 30 minutes each, done 2 times daily over 10 consecutive days.  This listening therapy helps to correct hyperacute hearing,  tinnitus and other auditory challenges.

AIT has been used successfully with children and adults with many different diagnoses for over 60 years.  

Remarkable results are achieved for many families. There are more than 60+ years of clinical research and 28+ scientific studies on AIT.

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Severe Language Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, Expressive Language and Pervasive Developmental Delay Treated with AIT

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Testimonial by the Parent of a 3 1/2 year old girl, New Jersey.
Reprinted by permission. August 2005.

"While before Berard AIT, Jackie had a limited vocabulary of under 10 functional words and could make two-word requests ("want cookie") only on occasion, she is now able to clearly articulate complex sentences of 4 to 5 words several times a day, and does so spontaneously.  The greatest leap in her development was seen in the 2-3 months following Berard AIT, and Jackie has maintained a steep growth curve in all domains since then."

Auditory Integration Training, AIT, Berard AIT, language delay, speech delay"My daughter Jackie was seen August (2005) in South Jersey for a 10-day Berard method when Jackie was approximately 3 1/2 years old.  Jackie had been diagnosed in January 2005 with PDD-NOS and Static Encephalopathy. (Diagnosis was given by comprehensive team in Cherry Hill, NJ.  The team included a pediatric neurologist, pediatric neuropsychologist, and behavioral analyst.) 

Jackie's diagnoses by other developmental pediatricians, occupational therapists, and speech/language pathologists have also included severe language disorder (her greatest area of delay being in expressive/receptive language), auditory processing delay and sensory processing disorder (SPD).

Jackie's general development, and in particular, her expressive and receptive language, grew tremendously in the months following Berard AIT. While before AIT, Jackie had a limited vocabulary of under 10 functional words and could make two-word requests ("want cookie") only on occasion, she is now able to clearly articulate complex sentences of 4 to 5 words several times a day, and does so spontaneously. Six weeks after AIT, Jackie appeared to process other's statements more quickly, responded more quickly and appropriately to other children and adults, and also became more responsive to music (dancing, humming, and now even singing along!) 

We credit Jackie's AIT treatment with Terrie Silverman and her team as a key variable in Jackie's overall growth, since the explosion in her language this past fall also enabled her to made huge strides in her social skills. Whereas prior to AIT, Jackie's play had mainly been "parallel play" and she was hesitant to approach peers, following her treatment, Jackie learned to actively engage and maintain interaction with other children (those equally and even more verbal) in both the special needs and typically developing communities.   

It should be noted that although Jackie was extremely tactilely defensive (especially around her head and face) at the time of AIT , the very gentle and resourceful approach of Terrie and her staff allowed us to place earphones on Jackie's head with minimal fuss even on the first day of treatment.  Terrie and her staff used gentle play with Jackie's dolls and the earphones to introduce the earphones to her, and also allowed Jackie to sit on my lap with a blanket while the sessions were in progress.  In short, Terrie and her assistants created a comforting and reassuring setting for Jackie so she could effectively follow the AIT program. 

Please also know that before, during and after AIT , Jackie received other therapies through her full-time school for children on the Autistic Spectrum.  Jackie's in-school therapies have included Speech Therapy, OT and PT. Jackie also attended (and continues to attend) private social skills programs and private OT during this period. 

The greatest leap in her development was seen in the 2-3 months following Berard AIT, and Jackie has maintained a steep growth curve in all domains since then. 

At this writing, we are in the process of transitioning Jackie to a new curriculum in which she will spend only half a day at her current school, and half a day with higher functioning children in a less restrictive classroom."

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