AIT Success For Teenage Boy With
Autism Diagnosis
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On-line AIT Checklist
by the mother of a 13
Asian Boy, San Jose, CA. Reprinted by permission. 2016.

"If you see him now you don’t see what’s
wrong with him for a week or two after, then you would see his quirkiness.
This teenager
boy's mother reports today after he finished his 10 days of AIT. Below are are
some of the main remarkable and immediate improvements that she noticed after he
completed his 20 AIT sessions of
supervised At Home AIT with
Kari J. Kindem, Director, AIT Practitioner.
"If you see him now you don’t see
what’s wrong with him for a week or two after, then you would see his
• He is calmer.
• Better memory.
• Reading better.
• Comprehension took off in his reading
• General ideas – he has got concept
down faster and quicker.
• In math he gets the idea on how to
times and regroup numbers
• After
AIT he got math
times tables, where he really struggled before. He is now doing two (2)
digits and times tables.
• Uses appropriate questions like “why?”
– this had been rare.
• Listens well and very comfortable when
we are at home.
• He is helping around the house, closes
and locks the door.
• Had to push him to do things at home
in the past and now part of his routine.
• He puts away the dishes and plates in
the morning on his own."