Auditory Integration Training, AIT, Berard AIT, Auditory, Auditory Integration

 AIT Helps Improve the Lives and Learning of Those with Autism, ADHD, Hyperacute Hearing, Speech Delays & 10 Days.

The AIT Institute is the #1 Provider off AIT At Home Services globally and is the largest AIT resource website in the world.

AIT is the #1 clinically studied auditory based educational intervention!  All sessions are conveniently completed at home under the supervision of an AIT Practitioner. AIT services are available in the USA, Canada and other English speaking countries.

AIT requires 10 hours of sound therapy, with 20 sessions of 30 minutes each, done 2 times daily over 10 consecutive days.  This listening therapy helps to correct hyperacute hearing,  tinnitus and other auditory challenges.

AIT has been used successfully with children and adults with many different diagnoses for over 60 years.  

Remarkable results are achieved for many families. There are more than 60+ years of clinical research and 28+ scientific studies on AIT.

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Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD): Glossary of Terms

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from Technical Assistance Manual on APD University of Florida p.14 -15

  • assistive listening device: a device such as a FM system that emits enhanced speech signals to the user; an assistive listening device improves the signal-to-noise ratio and helps to overcome barriers in the listening environment, such as distance from the speaker, background noise, and reverberation

  • auditory analysis: the ability to identify phonemes or morphemes embedded in words

  • auditory association: identifying an acoustic signal and association with its source or labeling a linguistic or nonlinguistic sound or experience

  • auditory attention: ability to focus on relevant acoustic signals, particularly speech or linguistic stimuli, and sustain that attention for an age-appropriate amount of time

  • auditory closure: ability to understand the whole word or message when a part is missing (in noisy listening environments this is an often-used skill in order to comprehend messages)

  • auditory discrimination: the skill necessary to distinguish words and sounds that are acoustically similar
    auditory figure-ground: ability to identify the primary linguistic or nonlinguistic sound source from a background noise

  • Auditory Integration Training: an intensive listening intervention involving.10 hours over 10 or 12 days following the Berard AIT protocol

  • auditory memory: the recall of the acoustic signal after it has been labeled, stored, and then recalled

  • auditory overload: occurs when the listener’s auditory system is unable to efficiently process incoming auditory information.

  • auditory sequential memory: the ability to recall the order of a series of details

  • auditory short-term memory: ability to retain auditory information as immediately presented

  • auditory synthesis: ability to synthesize (i.e., merge or blend) isolated phonemes into words

  • binaural integration: listener is required to process different information presented to both ears simultaneously and repeat everything that is heard in both ears' binaural interaction: listener must attend to complementary but different pieces of information presented to each ear and then integrate the information to perceive the whole message

  • binaural separation: listener is required to process an auditory message delivered to one ear while ignoring a dissimilar message presented to the opposite ear at the same time

  • central auditory nervous system (CANS): the pathway of auditory signals to the brain beyond the peripheral hearing mechanism

  • dichotic: a different stimulus presented to each ear simultaneously

  • diotic: presentation of the same sound to both ears

  • directional microphone: a microphone used with an FM system that eliminates lower frequencies that can mask consonant sounds; able to operate at high output levels without feedback

  • discrimination: the process used to discriminate among sounds of different frequency, duration, or intensity (e.g., high/low, long/short, loud/soft)

  • electrophysiologic tests: evaluation of the neuromaturation and neuroplasticity of the central auditory pathways

  • FM: an acronym for frequency modulation; modification of the frequency signal on a carrier wave

  • FM system: an assistive listening device consisting of a microphone, transmitter, and receiver; signal is transmitted by FM radio waves

  • HL: hearing level measured in decibels

  • localization: ability to determine the location of the acoustic signal relative to the listener’s position in space

  • metacognition: appropriate use of knowledge to plan, monitor, and regulate performance, including attention, memory, listening, learning, and language processing

  • metalinguistic: strategies to improve listening and spoken language comprehension (e.g., discourse cohesion devices, schema induction, linguistic closure and context-derived vocabulary building, prosody, segmentation)

  • monotic: presentation of a sound stimulus to only one ear

  • omnidirectional microphone: a microphone used with an FM system when the signal-to-noise ratio is 15 dB or greater

  • peripheral hearing: the auditory mechanism including the outer, middle, and inner ear

  • sensation: the ability to identify the presence of sound

  • SL: sensation level expressed in decibels; the number of decibels above a reference point such as the Spondee Threshold

  • signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio: the ratio of the signal to the corresponding noise (for example, a +5 dB S/N means that the primary signal is 5 dB louder than the noise competition)

  • speech recognition testing: measurement of speech identification ability

  • Spondee Threshold: the lowest hearing level in dB at which 50 percent of spondee words (bi-syllabic words with equal stress on each syllable) are identified correctly

  • temporal processing: discrimination of sound based on a sequence of auditory stimuli or temporal order

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