Autism endencies and Dyslexia Improved with Auditory Integration Training
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Testimonial by the Parent of an
autistic boy who completed
Berard AIT.
Reprinted by permission.
"We are convinced that the treatment offered has given our children
and thus our family a new lease of life."
"Our 8 year old daughter was being treated for dyslexia and our
two sons, aged 5 and 6, were to follow the program for autistic
tendencies. “In for a penny, in for a pound,” we thought and, although
we were nervous and had no idea of what to expect, we were full of hope.
Within the first week we began
to notice small improvements in our son’s behavior and now 12 weeks later,
we are gradually getting school reports of a positive nature that a year
ago we would not have believed possible. Increased concentration, improved
verbal communication, better adaptability to change and a general “ settling
down” to following instructions are highlighted daily.
Our daughter had been receiving
specialist dyslexia tuition for the past year. Both her class teacher
and the dyslexia teacher have been so enthusiastic about her progress
since the therapy sessions that the tutor has written to the Dyslexia
Institute about her “phenomenal “ improvement.
It is difficult to put our
feelings into words. We are convinced that the treatment offered has given our children and thus our family a new lease of life.
Their professional and caring support were invaluable during what could
have been a traumatic experience and we will continue to stay in touch
to promote what we believe to be a truly remarkable service."