Auditory Integration Training, AIT, Berard AIT, Auditory, Auditory Integration

 AIT Helps Improve the Lives and Learning of Those with Autism, ADHD, Hyperacute Hearing, Speech Delays & 10 Days.

The AIT Institute is the #1 Provider off AIT At Home Services globally and is the largest AIT resource website in the world.

AIT is the #1 clinically studied auditory based educational intervention!  All sessions are conveniently completed at home under the supervision of an AIT Practitioner. AIT services are available in the USA, Canada and other English speaking countries.

AIT requires 10 hours of sound therapy, with 20 sessions of 30 minutes each, done 2 times daily over 10 consecutive days.  This listening therapy helps to correct hyperacute hearing,  tinnitus and other auditory challenges.

AIT has been used successfully with children and adults with many different diagnoses for over 60 years.  

Remarkable results are achieved for many families. There are more than 60+ years of clinical research and 28+ scientific studies on AIT.

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Autism, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Speech and Language Delay:
Berard AIT Success Story!

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Testimonial written by the Parent of a 5 year old boy, Minneapolis, MN.
Reprinted by permission. October 2007.

In the past 8 months he has made enormous gains in social interaction, fine motor skills, speech utterance length, and speech clarity.  His gains in ABA have been phenomenal.  I attribute this success to the balancing of his sensory processing via AIT. 

Auditory Integration Training, AIT, Berard AIT, SPD, speech"At the age of two, I suspected my son had Autism, primarily due to noticeable issues in his language and speech development as well as issues socially.  He also went through fluctuating periods of extremely activity and extreme fatigue. 

He was diagnosed with severe sensory integration dysfunction and a speech and language delay.  After starting OT and Speech therapy, as well as brushing therapy, we put him on the GFCF diet with great success.  He started speaking in two word phrases within 48 hours of being on the diet.  After two months on the GFCF diet, his main issue was ADHD.  He had an attention span of 3-4 seconds.  We put him on the Feingold diet in addition to being GFCF.  Within two weeks his attention span grew to 9+ minutes and the therapists were astounded.  His main issue then was overcoming his sensory issues (sensor seeker and sensor avoider). 

At this time he was 2 years 9 months and was formally diagnosed with Autism.  For a year we tried everything to satiate this need for stimulation... a trampoline, a bean bin, a ball pit, swings, rings, ladders, weighted blankets, vests, inflatable jumper, music "listening" therapy, etc.  I was spending 3+ hours a day trying to help him "feel" deep input so that he could learn an interact socially.

During this time we began intensive biomedical treatments (vitamin supplementation, methyl B12 injections, heavy metal chelation therapy, hyper barric chamber therapy) all with great cognitive and social success.  Sensory issues continued to be of great concern.

At age 3 years 10 months we did AIT.  The two weeks of listening were very interesting.  My son who never seemed "satiated" was suddenly falling asleep for 3-5 hours after just 30 minutes of listening in the morning.  I would wake him to go to our afternoon session.  In addition he was sleeping his usual 12 hour night.  The two to four weeks following AIT were almost unbearable.  Our son experienced regression in toileting, moodiness like we have never seen, and complete insatiability of deep pressure... then like a switch, over a period of 3 days, he sorted himself out and was calm... satiated.

In the past 8 months he has made enormous gains in social interaction, fine motor skills, speech utterance length, and speech clarity.  His gains in ABA have been phenomenal.  I attribute this success to the balancing of his sensory processing via Berard AIT.  I am happy to share that we now just do sensory activities (playground equipment, swimming, playing in the snow, etc) that are typical for his age for a duration of time comparable to his typical developing peers.  I believe that AIT worked so well for my son because we removed so many barriers to his basic functioning prior to doing AIT.

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